FGI informerar om följande pressmeddelande från EU-parlamentet:
Press Conference 29/06/2016
Time: 11h00-11h30, 29 June 2016
Location: Press conference room (PHS 0A50)
European Parliament
Hosted by MEP Tunne Kelam (EPP, ET)
Panel Speakers:
MEP Mark Demesmaeker (ECR,BE), DROI
MEP Tomá Zdechovský (EPP, CZ), EP delegation to China
David Matas
Canadian Lawyer, named to Order of Canada 2008, and 2010 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee
Ethan Gutmann
Investigative Journalist, author of <> and <>
David Kilgour
Former Canadian MP, former Secretary of State (Asia-Pacific), and 2010 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee
Anastasia Lin
Miss World Canada 2015 & 2016, award-winning actress, human rights advocate.
An updated report on forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience in China was released on 22 June 2016, at National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Its three authors are David Matas, Ethan Gutmann, and David Kilgour. They presented their findings at a US Congressional hearing on 23 June and will make a presentation at 12h00 in PHS 5B001 on 29 June.
In the wake of the disturbing new report about the scale of forced organ harvesting in China , Miss World Canada Anastasia Lin is launching a new campaign against organ harvesting in China, aimed at raising awareness about the issue.
Their new report came days after the U.S. Congress unanimously passed Resolution 343 on 13 June, which condemned state-sanctioned organ harvesting from non-consenting prisoners of conscience in China, including from a large number of Falun Gong practitioners and members of other religious and ethnic minority groups.
An EP written declaration WD 48/2016 was initialized on 27 April 2016 by 12 members of the European Parliament from five political groups, including Tunne Kelam, Mark Demesmaeker and Tomá Zdechovský. It calls for an independent investigation into ongoing organ harvesting in China without delay, following the EP resolution of 12 December 2013 on organ harvesting in China (P7_TA(2013)0603).
Contacts: Email tunne.kelam@europarl.europa.eu Tel +32(0)2 28 45279